Kaitlyn Cecelia Stock | About Me

1. I recently did a home birth (craziest experince of my life) and gave birth to my son Cameron. I am beyond grateful to be a mama to him. He has truly given life a new meaning. I am beyond blessed for my little family.
2. When I am not at work, you can find me at the lake fishing with my husband Brandon. Brandon LOVES fishing, so we spend just about every weekend fishing in the summer and ice fishing in the winter. We bought an ice house back in 2021 and remodeled it, so we can ice fish in the warmth and camp out on Ottertail Lake in the summer.
3. Vietnamese is my absolute FAVORITE food, in the entire world. Every time I travel for work, I binge eat Vietnamese food. My favorite dish is PHO with brisket, hoisin sauce and extra sriracha hot sauce.
4. In college I majored in interior design and minored in sustainability. I received a BFA and one of my favorite classes in college, was Chinese Art History. I still to this day, wish I would have paid more attention in that class but give my teacher the utmost credit for getting me interested in this class. I also struggle with grammar and failed English twice in high school, so my apologies for any grammatical errors :)
5. I have scoliosis, which is a curvature in the spine. So if you are looking at me from behind, my spine is not straight up and down. It is shaped like a very loose S. I had to wear a back brace in middle school and was far from thrilled, at that time in my life. I haven't had any issues with it besides the fact that right shoulder sits up a bit higher than my left. I also have noticed that my left shoe is always a little more worn out than my right.
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